People Are Sharing the Most Embarrassing Things Their Parents Did to Them as Kids, & It’s Too Funny

People Share Embarrassing Things Their Parents Did to Them as Kids

Sometimes, parents resort to embarrassment tactics to keep kids in line. It is one of the most efficient ways to get kids to do whatever they want because the last thing any kid wants is to be embarrassed by their parents. From getting dragged home by one mom during a rock concert to another mom punching her daughter’s boyfriend in the face on her 18th birthday, we’ve compiled the most hilariously embarrassing tweets — as told by the people that actually had these experiences.

But Mom!

As we grow into our teen years, most of us want to exert some of our independence. This is where we start developing who we are. Sometimes, that doesn’t play well with our parents.

But Mom!

This is the most uncool thing we’ve ever heard. We’re sure his credentials in the band certainly took a hit when he was dragged home by his mother.

Leaving it Behind

Sometimes, our embarrassing moments with our parents aren’t necessarily ones intended to be embarrassing. There are times like this when they just say whatever pops into their head first, which can be the most embarrassing thing possible.

Leaving it Behind

Though we’re sure it was embarrassing for this kid, we would have thought it was funny if we had been there. After all, she’s not lying!

Playing to the Crowd

When you’re a kid, you don’t always see the cool things that your parents do in that light. In fact, everything they do that draws any attention to you and your family is embarrassing right from the get-go.

Playing to the Crowd

That being said, we’re glad this kid finally realized that his old man was super cool. Yeah, it may have been embarrassing for his dad to have been called out like that, but this turned into an awesome memory in the end.

No Jeans

Some restaurants require certain dress codes for you to go in and eat. Though it’s not as common today as it used to be, they’re still out there, and if our dad did this, we would definitely have been red-faced and embarrassed trying to find someplace to hide.

No Jeans

Though he was an adult, we can appreciate what the dad was trying to do here. But, pulling this stunt just to prove a point is still not right. How embarrassing can you be?!

Did You Go?

Some parents just find it hard to allow for separation when it comes to their kids attending school. It’s hard for them to let go and realize their kids are growing up. So, we don’t think this mom was trying to be embarrassing, but we can definitely see why the kid thought she was.

Did You Go?

We’re not sure if the question was more embarrassing or the fact that his friend had to tell him what his mom was saying. Either way, though, that is just so wrong!


In your teenage years, you try to get away with things like doing stuff that isn’t age-appropriate. This can build habits by hiding them. You may feel like you have to continue them well into your 30s.


However, when you’re in your 30s, your mom should probably not show up to yell at you over your bad habits. That’s just wrong and very embarrassing. We just hope there wasn’t anybody around to witness this.

Don’t Worry

One of the joys of getting older is that you basically stop caring what other people think. This means you can do all kinds of things in public you never dreamed of doing when you were younger.

Don’t Worry

This grandpa’s reaction in public was pretty embarrassing but also probably pretty liberating for grandpa. However, we’re not sure he needed to make the final statement. He could have just left well enough alone.

Not the Bouncer

When you are getting out there in the world, one of the places many people love to frequent is a nightclub. It’s a place where you can dance and have a good time without worrying about what anybody else is thinking.

Not the Bouncer

But, when your dad suddenly shows up, and everybody thinks he’s a bouncer, that has to be pretty embarrassing. On second thought, maybe he could get you into the club next time without any entrance fee…

Pick Up

You try to get away with things when you’re young, like sneaking into nightclubs. Or, maybe you find an underage nightclub where you can have a good time as long as your parents are good and you’re home by curfew…

Pick Up

Apparently, that wasn’t the case for this kid because grandpa thought it was time to go and wanted everyone to know. Hopefully, the kid was able to duck and dodge, making sure no one saw him!

Beaming With Pride

It’s pretty cool when a parent supports a kid’s hobby. Despite the fact that this classically-trained, musical mom most likely didn’t know the first thing about punk rock, she was still there to show her pride and support of her son’s music!

Beaming With Pride

It may not have felt super cool when you were 16 years old, and your mom was standing on the side stage. In fact, it was probably pretty embarrassing! But, in hindsight, she was absolutely awesome!

Birds and Bees

Depending on who you are, you might be pretty excited when you hear that you’re going to have a baby brother or sister. But, along with that comes a lot of questions, especially when you’re young. We’re sure this kid was sorry he asked.

Birds and Bees

Do we appreciate these parents trying to give a more realistic view of what happens when a baby is made? Yes. However, it probably wasn’t the right time to be so graphic. Embarrassing and maybe a little scary! This person was clearly scared for life.

No Bra

People find all sorts of unusual ways to deter thieves. Many women, for example, do exactly what these young girls did by keeping their money in their bras instead of in a handbag.

No Bra

Maybe this mom should have just taken a cue from her kid and gone along with it. In either case, she didn’t need to explain why she carried a handbag or show everybody why she could never do that. This was embarrassing, and we think it might be a little illegal, too!

Your Mom’s Here!

Some parents are pretty liberal. All they ask is that you come home at the right time. This is why many teens have curfews. This kid had one and should have really paid attention to it.

Your Mom’s Here!

Though we’re sure having your mom have the DJ announce that she’s here to pick you up is embarrassing, they really had nobody else to blame but themselves. Don’t you think?


There are many schools that offer certain types of educational classes once kids reach an appropriate age. Occasionally, these classes check with parents that the material feels okay with them, which is a recipe for embarrassment.


As adults, we can absolutely appreciate this dad’s hilarious sense of humor. If fact, we would love to be this witty. That being said, we can definitely understand why the kid was super embarrassed.

Breaking the Rules

Sometimes all you can do as a kid in the morning is rush out to the bus and hope that your parents don’t notice that you’ve forgotten something. After all, if that happens, there’s bound to be some level of embarrassment when they find you and drop it off.

Breaking the Rules

But, maybe not nearly as much embarrassment as this poor kid had to deal with. His dad going all fast and furious on the school bus had to have been traumatizing for this young kid.

Motherly Concern

It can be hard for parents to watch their kids play super aggressive sports. Especially when you’re a mother, you naturally have this instinct to want to protect your young. That, of course, inevitably leads to something like this!

Motherly Concern

We can understand why someone playing rugby would be a little embarrassed if their mom did this. But, maybe even more so when they’re adults and their fiancé does it.

Take That!

We think it’s pretty awesome that a mother was so protective when it came to that situation. That being said, we’re sure it didn’t seem like a great thing at the moment.

Take That!

We only wish that mom would have taken a breath and maybe asked a few questions before hurting someone. This mom should have definitely remembered her own lesson on how hurting others is never a good solution.

Language Barrier

One of the most traumatic times is parent-teacher conferences. That’s because, as a kid, you’re worried about what your teachers are going to say. Plus, what your parents are going to answer is inevitably going to lead to something embarrassing.

Language Barrier

This dad takes the cake for being embarrassing in this situation! Can you just imagine being in the vicinity of this dad while this was happening? No thanks!

New Look

Maybe one of the most embarrassing things about parents is the way they dress. In general, they are still attached to the fads and trends of their day, and it’s never a good look to be seen in public with them.

New Look

This dad, though, took it to new heights. We can appreciate his quirkiness but definitely would have been just as embarrassed as Helen probably was.

I Know What I Like

It’s one thing for your parents to be in charge of what you’re eating when you’re a kid. But, as you grow up, you develop your own taste and learn what you like, and that should be respected.

I Know What I Like

So, trying to tell him what he should eat is definitely embarrassing. Also a little disrespectful in our eyes. After all, you’ve got to let your kids have their own lives!

Don’t Touch

It’s common for kids to be tempted to play with things with “do not touch” on them. If a kid was there when you turned around, he probably would never have even batted an eye.

Don’t Touch

But, the fact that it was dad made it super embarrassing. Also, if you’re going to break the rules in such a silly way, the very least you can do is play something impressive. Chopsticks makes this doubly embarrassing.

Broken Down

It sucks when you’re out on the road trying to get to a cool destination and end up breaking down. Especially, when you’re a passenger and you have to listen to this whole conversation.

Broken Down

We think it’s funny now, but maybe it was more than embarrassing at the moment. We hope the mom realized her unintentional innuendo to the repair man and explained herself properly.


Unfortunately, as we walk the city streets, we often see people who are down on their luck. Sadly, many of these people are disabled and ask for help so that they can eat or find a place to stay.


So, it’s really nice when somebody stops to try to help. But, when a mom blunders like this and offers money to someone who wasn’t asking for handouts, you have to shake your head a bit.


Grocery stores are magnificent places when you’re a kid. You wander around the store, making your mother quite nervous that you might get lost. But, you should be free to roam around the grocery store as you see fit when you’re an adult.


Having mom announcing on the intercom system that she’s looking for you is just not a good look. We hope that this guy just kind of kept going and ignored it.

Let Me Get That

It’s always hard growing up and dealing with developing romantic feelings for the first time. It’s one of those situations where parents don’t necessarily want you to grow up too fast, which can sometimes lead to a few moments of embarrassment.

Let Me Get That

Having your mom and her coworkers see you made up for a crush is already awkward enough. But, having her clean your face with spit, definitely makes this so much worse! It’s no wonder she still gets red from remembering that day.

Passing the Blame

At some point in our lives, we’ve all been there when our parents passed off those farts like someone else. But, we’ve never been involved in it when people actually got in trouble because they were accused of doing something like this.

Passing the Blame

We would have been a little embarrassed not only because she got someone else in trouble but also because she just farted in public!

Time to Go Home

It’s always fun when you’re a teenager to have all your friends over, play video games, and hang out late into the night. But, you have to be warned because doing this leaves you open to embarrassment by your parents.

Time to Go Home

An embarrassment of this level, though, is beyond imagination. We would have been stunned and definitely would have thought twice before having our friends over again.

Fancy Dress

Sometimes, schools do specialty days, and not participating in them makes you stand out like a sore thumb. So, on the one hand, we’re very happy that this guy had a mom that was willing to rush home and figure out how to fix the problem.

Fancy Dress

On the other hand, there should have been some thought before choosing the outfits. Because not being a part of it may be just as bad as being dressed like this poor kid was.

Standing Out

There are times when parents just can’t help but embarrass us. Through no fault of their own or conscious effort, simple things they do seem to make them stand out, and as a kid, that can be quite challenging.

Standing Out

Permitting these things to fade away eventually, even those embarrassing moments can end up being things we are proud of. We’re sure that if we had been this kid, that wouldn’t have entered our minds as we tried to get lost in the crowd.

Weeping in the Back

You never really want your parents to be proud of you as a kid. As you age, you want that pride to be a little less emotional and out there for the world to see. After all, a woman crying in the back of this venue will get quite a bit of attention.

Weeping in the Back

That being said, we think that even though they were embarrassed, this is kind of cute, and we’re sure that more than one of those bikers also had a tear in their eye at seeing how proud this grandma was.

Not a Good Driver

Parents naturally worry about us, especially when we’re not in their sights. So, though this kid was embarrassed, he should be thankful that his parents care enough to worry about him on such a level.

Not a Good Driver

Though maybe the mom could have just asked to talk to him and suggested he find someone to give him a lift instead of embarrassing him about his driving skills.

Not Gonna Happen!

You begin developing new types of relationships when you get into the teenage years. Some firsts are hard enough, but when you have a father like this, it’s going to make it even harder.

Not Gonna Happen!

Though, from the outside, this has got to be pretty funny. We hope that Stanley didn’t get too terrified. Hopefully, there was a second date!

Dancing the Night Away

It’s always nice when your parents try to find a new hobby so that they can keep their romance alive. One of the best ways to do that is by dancing — so these parents were just thinking ahead of the game.

Dancing the Night Away

But, maybe if you’re going to do something risky like this, you shouldn’t do it in front of your kids. They’re sure to be embarrassed and never forget that moment in their entire life.

Comment Gallery

We’ve all walked through the grocery store and seen things on boxes that we think are maybe not as truthful as they could be. But, most of the time, as adults, we keep that to ourselves or whisper so nobody can hear.

Comment Gallery

But, this dad didn’t do that, and all the Tesco employees and his kid were probably pretty embarrassed. Next time, though, maybe he should do his research.

Canary Food

When euphemisms are used, and people misconstrue them to be something of a more spicy nature, it can be funny. But, that’s only if it’s not your mother, and it’s not a blatant euphemism for something you don’t want to even think about her knowing.

Canary Food

So, we can clearly understand why this kid was embarrassed — we would have been, too. In fact, we probably would have been screaming from the rooftops that it was food for her bird!

Bad Call!

When it comes to sports, many people get pretty into them. Sometimes, that includes standing up and screaming at the screen no matter what type of sport it is. Typically though, if it’s not a super aggressive sport, there’s less cursing and yelling.

Bad Call!

It’s also much better when you do it in the safety of your home, which this dad definitely didn’t do. So, it’s very evident why this young woman was embarrassed and never wanted her dad to come to another game ever again.

Don’t Say That!

There is a time in a girl’s life when shopping with her dad can become a potentially dangerous situation. After all, dads often don’t have a filter and they say things that are shatteringly embarrassing!

Don’t Say That!

This dad hit the biggest target you can when he screamed this down the aisle. We would have turned away and just walked out if this happened to us!

Time With Grandpa

Spending time with grandparents is nice and something that needs to happen as much as possible. But, maybe that quality time shouldn’t be in a place like this. Hanging out in a pub when your grandparent is there is not a good idea.

Time With Grandpa

This grandpa figured out that his grandchild was in the pub underage and without permission. This embarrassing moment had to affect this poor guy’s reputation. We hope he recovered!

Poetry Award

Poetry is something that is not for everybody. So, we can understand why someone might not be focused at a poetry reading if that’s not their cup of tea. However, you have to fight that urge if it’s your kid!

Poetry Award

If you don’t, you wind up with a story like this that will be held over your head for the rest of your life. On top of that, they walked out of the room just slightly more embarrassed by you.

Tuck it In

Some people are very strict on how they look in public. For older guys, that often means tucking in their shirts. But, one has to really be careful because you don’t want anybody to see anything they shouldn’t.

Tuck it In

But, this dad clearly doesn’t mind! This is one of those things that, no matter how old you are, there’s going to be some level of embarrassment.

Something Is Not Right

It’s always a big deal when you bring somebody home for dinner. You want it to go so well, whether it’s a friend or someone you’re interested in. So, you just hope your parents has made a good meal for them.

Something Is Not Right

Though we can see why someone would be embarrassed if this was the meal served up, in the end, you kind of have to feel a little bad because there was something wrong.

Let Me Play You Something

Parents keep tons of embarrassing things of their children that they think are cute. But, if they show it later in our lives to people we are close to, those things become even more embarrassing.

Let Me Play You Something

This poor girl must have been so red when her parents whipped out that tape. We just hope the guy didn’t react the wrong way, otherwise, she may never have forgiven them! And the guy would have wound up taking himself out…

It’s Not a Skirt!

Different cultures and countries have their own unique characteristics, like the food they like, the language they speak, or the clothes that they wear. This mom’s behavior was definitely not okay, no matter what culture you come from.

It’s Not a Skirt!

This poor headmaster probably has to deal with that a lot, though. We think he’s pretty cool for wearing his kilt despite people’s behavior. Especially since we’re sure that this is not the first parent to say something like this.

Where Are We?

It’s always fun to take vacations and explore new sites with the family. It’s a great way to bond. In this case, there might have been more bonding than usual. After all, not only is this a beautiful sight to see, but it seems to be quite dangerous.

Where Are We?

We don’t think this dad intended to embarrass his kids but just rather stumbled into it. We suggest that next trip they stick closer to what the map says.

Finish It!

When you’re in your teens, you look for all kinds of ways to learn about the world of adults. There are special videos out there that teenagers shouldn’t be using as educational tools.

Finish It!

We would be very embarrassed to have been caught watching something like this, especially by a devout mother. On the other hand, she upped the embarrassment by sitting down and finishing the movie with him. We’re sure that he never looked at that type of video again in the same light.

Low-Hanging Fruit

Despite all the fantastic examples of parental embarrassment on this list, we have to admit, we think this one takes the cake. After all, seeing your dad accidentally expose himself in front of an entire cafe definitely leaves an impression on someone.

Low-Hanging Fruit

But, the real culprit of this incredibly embarrassing escapade has to be the mom for calling out loud what is happening. Just think about it — without her shouting, probably no one would have noticed anything amiss.