When You Need That Coffee!
This cartoon hilariously captures the daily battle so many people face when trying to jump-start their brains with coffee. And it perfectly represents how we sometimes feel: the caffeine is right there, but our minds are running in every direction except the one we need.
For many of us, coffee is the “on” button, but convincing the brain to focus isn’t always as straightforward. Sometimes, it feels like the more we try to wrangle it with caffeine, the more it spills out absolutely everywhere — literally!
The Struggle With Overthinking
Overthinking is a pretty relatable struggle that absolutely everyone deals with, some on a daily basis. And as this cartoon shows, it’s not always easy to quiet an overactive brain, no matter what you do or how hard you try.
Overthinking is tiring, and your brain might just look like this, too. While you are too busy obsessing over your thoughts, your poor brain cries out for a break. So, give your brain what it needs and stop worrying so much.
Protect Your Peace
Peace is priceless. If something causes you stress or worry, it might cost more than it’s worth. Your mental and emotional health matter; if keeping something in your life drains that peace, it may be time to let it go.
Life’s too short to hold on to things that make you uneasy or anxious. Whether it’s a relationship, job, or situation constantly disrupting your calm, it’s worth considering whether it genuinely adds value. Remember, anything that costs your peace may be too costly.
Coffee vs. Tea: The Eternal Struggle
BugabooMonkey hit the nail on the head with this picture that shows the daily coffee struggle. This woman is pulling her tired brain along, only focused on getting that coffee while her poor brain is begging for some rest and pulling her towards a cup of tea.
Many people can relate to this. Even when tired, we reach for more coffee like it’s our magic fuel. We often forget that our brain wants a break, too, and we push it for one more cup. It may be time to opt for tea for a change.
An Overactive Imagination
The brain is like a little prankster, always creating wild “what ifs” that will probably never happen. You could be enjoying a quiet evening, and suddenly, your brain is like, “What if I get bitten by a shark while swimming in the ocean?”
It’s as if the brain’s a movie director with the craziest imagination, cooking up unlikely scenarios like, “What if I come face to face with a masked serial killer and have to fight for my life?” You know it’s silly, but somehow, your mind keeps you entertained and a little worried!
Heart vs. Brain
When you’re heartbroken, the brain’s all, “Let’s move on,” while the heart sobs, “But we’ll never find love again!” It’s like a tug-of-war between the logical roommate who suggests yoga and the drama queen who replays sad songs on a loop.
The brain tries to convince you to get over it, but the heart just sighs and makes you want to wallow in the moment for a bit longer than is healthy or necessary. Ultimately, you’re caught between “get it together” and “let’s wallow forever.”
When Your Brain Is Overloaded
The brain sometimes feels like an overstuffed suitcase — you keep shoving in worries, random memories, and to-do lists until it’s bursting at the seams. Just when it’s ready to close, a thought like “Did I lock the door?” pops in, and it all spills out again.
It’s like the brain’s throwing a nonstop party, inviting every worry, regret, and weird thought. But no one ever leaves! You’re there, exhausted, thinking, “Please, one at a time!” But the brain’s like, “Oh, here’s one more memory from 2009 you forgot to stress about.” Exhausting!
Binge-Watching on Your Day Off
Why is it that you always end up binge-watching mindless shows on your day off? You tell yourself, “Today, I’ll watch something educational!” But, before you know it, you’re five episodes deep into a reality show about people finding love on a deserted island.
The brain hints, “Maybe a documentary?” but your finger’s already hovering over the next episode of a brainless sitcom. Hours later, your brain’s begging for a challenge, and you’re just like, “One more episode won’t hurt!” It happens every time!
Tricking the Brain
You try to set the scene — a fancy glass, dim lighting, and a toast to yourself with beet juice. But, one sip in, you know nothing will come close to that glass of wine. And while your brain is trying to convince you that it is wine, you just know it isn’t.
Tricking yourself into believing that you don’t need that glass of wine after a long, hard day at the office might seem possible, but at the end of the day, you just cannot get over the taste of beet juice lingering in your mouth.
When Your Brain Takes a Detour
One minute, you’re chilling, and the next, your brain chimes in with, “What if you forget how to breathe?” Suddenly, you’re hyper-focusing on your every inhale and exhale, like you’re training for the Olympic Breathing team. Thanks for the panic, Brain.
It can be hard to relax when your brain is on overdrive and making you worry about things that you never thought you would worry about. And sometimes, you might wish to just shut it off for a second. If only it were that easy, right?
Who Needs Fitness, Anyways?
You strap on your smartwatch, determined to hit your fitness goals. But, suddenly, it’s like having a tiny, judgmental fitness coach on your wrist. “You’ve only walked 200 steps today,” it chirps. Now you’re running in place like a confused hamster just to meet its demands.
You finally sit down to relax, but the watch buzzes, “Time to move!” You think, “Really? I just sat down!” It’s pretty much like having a persistent little cheerleader who won’t let you enjoy a well-deserved break without a reminder to keep moving.
The Art of Not Helping
Isn’t it annoying how someone would rather criticize than help someone who obviously needs help? This cartoon, for example, shows a poor girl on crutches and obviously in extreme pain and distress about her situation.
Rather than helping her and offering a few kind words, the other person feels the need to criticize the poor girl for not matching her pants and shirt. Is it really that hard to say a few kind words and help someone rather than bring them down?
Being in Love
Is there anything more amazing than that feeling you get when you are in love? From wanting to bury them in your heart to never wanting to spend a moment apart from them, being in love can make you feel some pretty amazing things.
And, just when you thought it couldn’t get better, you find that they, too, are absolutely obsessed, to the point where you get into fun little fights about who loves who the most. Ah, love. We can’t live with it, and we can’t live without it.
Friday Struggles
It’s Friday, and those last eight hours feel like a week. Your brain is begging for a nap, but you hand it another coffee instead. “Come on, we’re almost there,” you whisper while your brain groans, fueled by more caffeine and pure desperation.
Every hour feels like a year, and coffee is your only source of energy at this point. So, you just keep chugging cup after cup, convincing yourself it’s helping. Is there anything more relatable than this? We really don’t think so!
Your Brain and Unfounded Fears
Is it just us, or does the brain have this magical ability to make us scared of things we didn’t think we would be afraid of? Be it clowns, birds, the dark, or anything else, the brain is the source of many of our most terrifying fears.
This cartoon by BuggabooMonkey explains what it is like to adopt a new fear suddenly. It comes out of nowhere, and even though you try to tell yourself that you are not scared of it, it somehow sticks. Weird, right?
The Help We Just Ignore
Problems pile up, and you feel like you’re just treading water. Suddenly, the brain pops up and offers you a lifeboat: “Why not try the most obvious solution?” Rather than listen to your brain, you ignore it and keep drowning.
As you drown in your worries, your brain whispers, “Here, grab this life preserver, and we’ll get out of this together.” But again, you ignore them and keep dog-paddling through the chaos. When will we ever learn to accept the help?
Make It Make Sense!
Mathematics seems like one of those really unnecessary subjects, right? Well, at least we think so. Unless you are becoming an accountant or a rocket scientist, is there actually any reason to do math in school? And why are so many of us so bad at it?
Cartoonist Gabs H. captures the feeling all too well in her series of cartoons that depict everyday struggles. And in this cartoon, she gets it right yet again as she shows what it is like for so many of us when faced with a math problem. That poor brain!
The Couch Wins Again
You’re bored and suddenly think, “I should do something exciting!” You imagine adventures, maybe even trying a hobby. But five minutes later, you’re right back on the couch, watching that show you’ve seen a hundred times. So much for spontaneity!
This is a very common struggle for most people. You’ll be watching TV, and suddenly, inspiration strikes — today is the day you’ll do something thrilling! You consider going outside, maybe even trying something new, only to give up on the idea.
The Many Moods of the Human Mood Ball
Some days, you’re a Happy Ball, bouncing around with good vibes and high-fives for everyone. Then, out of nowhere, Defensive Ball shows up, arms crossed and ready to dodge any comment like a pro, even if someone asks, “How’s it going?”
Enter Hungry Ball, rolling in like a snack-seeking missile, grumbling at anything that isn’t food. And finally, Sleepy Ball appears, barely moving, eyes half-closed, ready to curl up anywhere soft. Each ball has its moment. So, which ball are you today?
When You Exhale Out the Wrong End
You’re in yoga class, feeling calm, stretching into that deep pose. As you exhale, suddenly — pfft! The quiet is shattered. You freeze, hoping no one notices, but keeping a straight face is hard when you’ve just added “sound effects” to the class.
Let’s be honest — this has happened to almost everyone at one stage or another. You’re focusing on breathing, feeling all zen, and then — toot! Just laugh it off and carry on because you know it will happen to someone else next time.
When You’re Just Feeling “Meh”
Sometimes, you’re just… neutral. Not happy, not sad, but rather just existing like a half-charged phone. People ask, “Why aren’t you smiling?” And you’re thinking, “Because I’m not a cartoon character!” Sometimes, it’s okay to be in “meh” mode; no smile is required.
You don’t always have to smile, especially to make others happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being in your own zone. We just wish that people would accept this and stop telling us to smile! Just leave us be.
Is It Hormones, or Just Me?
You’re feeling all sorts of sad and wonder, “Am I upset, or is it just period preview mode?” One minute, you’re fine, and the next, you’re emotional over a commercial. You check the calendar, and yup, it’s quite possibly just the hormones doing their monthly thing.
It’s really like an emotional guessing game for women: am I sad? Am I happy? Or is my period just around the corner? You debate if you need life changes or just some chocolate to help you feel better. Oh, it’s tough being a woman!
Learning From Past Mistakes
You’d think we’d learn after falling for the same trick a dozen times, right? Nope! Every time, it’s like, “This time will be different!” But then — boom — same mistake, same facepalm, same feeling all over again. It’s like our brain loves the reruns of our life blunders.
It’s like touching a hot stove or going back to your cheating ex — you swear you’ll never do it again, and next thing you know, there you are, hand on the burner or fingers eagerly typing a text message. Our memory for mistakes seems about as short as a goldfish’s!
Feelings? Just Box’ Em Up!
Instead of talking about our feelings, we stuff them in an imaginary box and shove them in a mental closet labeled “Deal with Later.” But we never deal with them later, do we? No, we don’t, and the box gets fuller and fuller, looking like it’s about to burst at the seams.
When someone asks us how we are, we’re like, “Oh, I’m fine!” Meanwhile, our feelings box is rattling like it’s about to explode. But why face it when we can ignore it until it becomes a comedy show of emotional chaos?
The Search for Happiness
Why do we always search for happiness in all the wrong places, ignoring our brains and just doing our own thing? It almost always ends up a disaster. Here, our brains tell us to look for happiness in the little things.
But nope, we’re out here thinking we know better and that maybe true happiness is in buying that latest gadget or adding things to our cart on our favorite website. Take a closer look, and you might just find that happiness is chilling in a corner with a cup of tea, just waiting for us to notice it.
Brain Drama: Overreacting
Our brains can be like that overzealous friend who turns a simple dinner invitation into a full-blown party-planning crisis. You know, the kind who insists on checking every ingredient in the lasagna for potential disasters, all while you want some garlic bread!
Sometimes, it’s like our brains are auditioning for a soap opera. A minor inconvenience becomes the plot twist of the century. Did you drop your phone? Cue the dramatic music! Relax, brain! It’s not the end of the world.
Escaping in the Pages of a Book
Getting lost in a good book is like stepping into a magical world where your only worry is whether the hero will finally confess their love. Forget your laundry and deadlines — who cares when you’re off saving the galaxy or solving a mystery?
It’s like your cozy couch — or bed — turns into a cozy spaceship, whisking you away to adventures. And suddenly, your biggest challenge is deciding whether to eat chips or popcorn while reading. Can you relate to this magical form of escaping your problems?
Your Brain: The Ultimate Party Crasher
You’re having a fantastic day — sunshine, coffee, and a pep in your step — then bam! Your brain pops up like an unexpected guest, saying, “Remember that embarrassing thing from five years ago?” Thanks, brain. We were just trying to enjoy the happy party.
It’s like your brain has a vendetta against joy, turning even the happiest moment into a lightning storm. Seriously, brain. Let us enjoy our groove without crashing in like a bouncer, throwing out the good vibes for no good reason.
Intrusive Thoughts Be Gone!
You know those intrusive thoughts that sneak in like uninvited guests? One minute, you’re thinking about lunch, and the next, your brain’s like, “Hey, let me just remind you of that one time you tripped in front of your crush.” Why?
The brain can be like a stubborn dog who refuses to drop a stick. And no matter how much you tell it to let go, your brain holds onto it tighter and tighter, letting it all but ruin your mood for the day. Seriously, brain, just let it go!
When You Have No Self-Control
Your brain is supposed to stop you from doing certain things, right? It is supposed to be your control center, stepping in when you do silly things like eating a whole pizza. You sit down with a slice, and the next thing you know, the entire pizza has been devoured.
Now you’re left feeling like a bloated balloon, glaring at your brain like a disappointed coach. Really, brain? You could have stepped in at any time, but you chose to let me keep going? Thanks for helping with the self-control!
Brain to the Rescue!
When someone makes you feel small and insignificant, your brain suddenly becomes your personal cheerleader, reminding you of all the awesome stuff you have done. It’s like a motivational speaker cheering you on and reminding you that you are a superstar.
Just when you’re feeling down, your brain chimes in with a pep talk: “You are not a human paperweight! You’re a majestic unicorn!” Thanks, brain! You always know how to lift us — until you remind us of that one embarrassing moment we’d prefer to forget.
Brain Betrayal
You think you and your brain are best buds, sharing ice cream and good vibes. Then night falls, and your brain says, “Surprise! Let’s replay every embarrassing moment from the past!” It’s not what you want to think about when trying to fall asleep, right?
As you try to sleep, your brain becomes a sneaky villain, plotting how to steal your sanity. It’s like your mind has a hidden agenda to keep you awake while you ponder your most cringeworthy moments. What a friend!
Brain vs. Mouth: The Ultimate Showdown
Your brain is like a GPS, trying to guide you through the many social interactions you have every day. But, rather than listening to it, you end up blabbering about something entirely different from what the conversation you’re having is actually about.
When it’s time to chat, your brain shouts advice, but you hit the mute button. Next thing you know, you’re nodding along while your mouth spills all the weirdness. We really should just stop and take a second to listen to our brains next time.
Brain to the Rescue: Anxiety Edition
When anxiety hits and is weighing you down, your brain suddenly transforms into a motivational speaker, reminding you that you have faced far worse. It’s like having your personal cheerleader — if it is not trying to sabotage you, that is!
Sometimes, you need a little reminder from your brain that you’ve got this. You’ve survived awkward moments and embarrassing slips. And, the anxiety that is holding you down? Your brain knows that you can beat it. So listen to it once in a while, would you?
Why Your Brain Is Your Best Frenemy
Yes, we have another one about your brain. Your brain can be like that overly enthusiastic friend who hypes you when you need a cheerleader. But, just as it can hype you up, it quickly changes direction and becomes a buzzkill!
The brain is a little like a rollercoaster — zooming to the top of the world one minute, making you feel like a rockstar, only to slam on the brakes. You’re left questioning everything. Why can’t your brain just find a middle ground? Please?!
A Nerve-Wracking Gadget
Remember when you were younger and thought your brain was like a fancy computer that could process all kinds of cool stuff? Boy, were you wrong? It turns out that the brain mostly processes those “What ifs” and “Oh No” instead of great ideas.
It’s nothing more than a quirky old machine that runs around yelling, “What if you trip? What if they don’t like your t-shirt?” As you get older, you realize your brain is like a tiny worrywart — super annoying but always there.
Keeping Yourself Motivated
Do you find it tricky to keep yourself motivated? When you think you have a handle on a situation, you find that those intrusive thoughts creep in, telling you that maybe, just maybe, you don’t have a hold on the situation at all.
Yep, that’s your brain swooping in to remind you of your anxiety, smashing your confidence, and making you feel like you can’t do something. Don’t you wish you could just shut your brain off and focus on what you want to do?
The Secret to Looking Good?
We all want to feel a bit more attractive from time to time, right? And this cartoon by BuggabooMonkey captures that struggle all too well. We’ve all been there — we put on an outfit that we think will look great, but it doesn’t.
Well, we have a little secret to share: it’s not about the outfit and how you look, but more about how you feel. If you feel good, you will look good. It is that easy. Can you relate to this everyday struggle? Perhaps it’s time to change your mindset a little.
Take Me Back, Please!
As adults, we often find ourselves wishing for the carefree days of childhood. Remember those days? Where were our biggest worries when our parents forced us to take a nap or eat a particular food? Adulting, on the other hand, is just bills and laundry.
If we could hop in a time machine, we’d tell our younger selves to relax, enjoy those nap times, and eat the snacks offered. Being an adult means worrying about taxes and grocery shopping. Oh, and naps? They become a thing of the past, too.
It’s not every day that you come across a cartoon that captures your daily struggles perfectly. But, thanks to Gabs. H and her hilarious cartoons, we’re sure that you will find more than one that is not only relatable but will have you nodding your head in agreement. Let’s look at some of the best BuggabooMonkey cartoons and see just why they sum up our everyday struggles.