45 People Who Captioned Their Photos Perfectly

People can be pretty hilarious and thanks to the internet, we have the opportunity to see that for ourselves. These clever individuals thought outside of the box to come up with a humorous caption for their photo, and we’ve handpicked the most hilarious ones especially for you! So, without further ado, have a look at them for a good time.

Uber Driver Outside

Uber jokes are crazy on the internet. Someone snapped a photo of a cute mysterious toy car that they found in front of their house. It looks like Mr. Toad here will be their Uber driver today…

Uber Driver Outside

If they delay any further, Mr. Toad might leave them and cancel the trip. Passengers, hurry and join your trip right away so Mr. Toad doesn’t leave you on the side of the road!

Pooh on the Map

Have you seen map comics before? If you haven’t, then check them out on the internet. Map comics can be so creative. People try to come up with characters using the layout and geography of different countries.

Pooh on the Map

And they’re pretty awesome! This one is somewhat similar to that. Here, the map was marked in mustard yellow and red. This combination somewhat has a resemblance to Winne-the-Pooh!

Dog Rights

Many of us have always been encouraged to pursue our deepest dreams and desires. Well, the same goes for dogs, too! We love dogs and we would do anything for our four-legged companions to see them happy.

Dog Rights

This park installed a sign to keep dogs away from the landscaping and a passer-by came up with a knee-slapping caption! 10 points to this Snapchat user…

Interviewee Otters

Isn’t a baby otter one of the cutest creatures to ever exist? We took a few seconds to stare at these little cuties and their wholesome faces.

Interviewee Otters

Their expressions make it look as though they’ve encountered something very serious and so, they’re elaborating on the entire occurrence for those who missed what had happened there. Thanks for filling us in on the latest gossip, little friends!

Frozen Hispanic

Sometimes parents can poke fun at each other in the most hilarious ways that others would never think of. Take this photo, for instance. This Snapchat user’s mom gave her hubby a quick reality check in the frozen food aisle of a grocery store.

Frozen Hispanic

Just look at the sign above dad that says ‘Frozen Hispanic.’ He obviously has a good sense of humor considering that he played along with the joke and posed as though he’s actually freezing! Then again, he might be — frozen food aisles are always so cold!

Don’t Stop Believing

Have you ever heard Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing?” The little pup in this picture looks like the perfect example of a verse from the song that goes like “she took the midnight train goin’ anywhere.”

Don’t Stop Believing

Clearly, this furball hasn’t stopped believing. In all seriousness, though, who does this dog belong to? The person who posted this snap? We guess we’ll never know…

Hush, Jim!

What exactly is step one when someone chokes? Yes, we are asking you! Try to save that person, right? Or, try to help them right away! Here, the figure makes it look as though the woman is making a call to gossip about something that’s apparently more important than the man’s life.

Hush, Jim!

Don’t blame us! That’s just what the figure looks like. And we’re not the only ones who saw it this way! Just look at the caption that this Snapchat user wrote…

French Me

Duolingo became one of the most popular apps in 2020, as many people decided to learn a new language during the pandemic lockdown. Many of us took Duolingo classes and we’re not going to lie — we also felt somewhat worldly after learning a few words phrases in Spanish.

French Me

This cat in these images has such a French chic style that whoever snapped the photo captioned it as if the feline did a Duolingo session. We can totally relate!

First Impression Matters

How many times have you been told that first impressions matter? We have heard that thousands of times. Honestly, it actually does. When you meet someone for the first time, that impression will likely stick with them for a long time.

First Impression Matters

Here, one soon-to-be uncle decided to dress up in formal wear to impress his niece or nephew. Judging from the photo, we can tell that this man is going to be the fun uncle!

Felt Cute

These “felt cute, might delete later” captions have been filling the internet for the last couple of years. Social media users snap a photo of themselves and post it on their account along with a caption that reads something like “felt cute, might delete later, I don’t know.”

Felt Cute

This dog took a selfie by itself in this picture and we’re losing our chill to understand how?! We can only assume that this is a photoshopped picture. Whatever the case may be, the caption had us cracking up.

Cat Art

Art is art. Art has its own language and people have many different interpretations. Thus, you cannot judge whether a piece of art is good or bad. Here, someone replaced the subject from a piece of artwork with their cat.

Cat Art

This is both super creative and hilarious. The cat has now become a masterpiece in and of itself. Let’s just hope that this trend catches on and other users begin to create masterpieces of their own pets.


Have any of you ever seen the 2010 psychological sci-fi film, Inception? If you haven’t, then the movie is essentially set in a dream within a dream. Here, some guy took a picture of his toilet, framed that image, and placed it on top of the toilet itself.


So, what does that make this entire situation? A toilet within a toilet! That’s toilet-ception for you!


This is probably the most savage image to have made the list. We’re kind of amused by the caption, but slightly terrified for the kitty cat. We’re only kidding — that’s a fake bear statue, which makes this post all the more hilarious.


Here, in this situation, the cat looks as though he’s trying to signal that he’s in trouble. Sandra needs to immediately open the door and fast!

Mom, You Are So Innocent!

When it comes to being cute, innovative, and creative at the same time, no one can beat our moms. In this instance, this Snapchatter’s mom wanted to spell out the word “love” in a family photo using their bodies.

Mom, You Are So Innocent!

We must say, everyone in the picture looks really confident and happy with their respective stances and postures, but the way this image actually turned out left us speechless! No words —only condolences to mom!

Disturbed Dog

It looks like the dog in the row in front of this person wasn’t having it. We’ve all experienced the moment when we’re trying to sleep on the plane but the person behind you — usually a kid — keeps kicking your seat. If it were us here, we would have probably would have just accepted this as fate.

Disturbed Dog

Not this doggo, though. He officially lost his cool to the point that he just stared down the culprit that was doing the kicking. Let’s just hope they got the hint after having a staredown with this dog.

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran memes never fail to make us laugh, but this one tops them all because of the caption alone! Have you noticed that this baby in these pictures looks exactly like Ed Sheeran? Like they are entirely identical, just generations apart.

Ed Sheeran

How is that even possible? Perhaps it’s the lighting and angle? We’ll leave that debate for another day but for now, it’s nice to meet this iconic baby — who looks more like Ed Sheeran than he does himself.

Poor Bananas

Kids can do some pretty weird things when they’re angry, especially when it comes to them wanting to make a statement to their parents. Still, who knew someone could be so hilariously evil?

Poor Bananas

What got us really laughing is the fact that this mother called her own son a passive-aggressive monster. We wonder what she did after she snapped this photo. Did she ground him? Did she laugh? Who knows…

Mistaken Third Llama

Llamas are really cute and if you look at this photo, you’ll totally agree! Photographs can create illusions, as this image proves. Just take a look at the third llama.

Mistaken Third Ilama

At first, we didn’t notice him peaking out. In fact, the Snapchatter here initially thought the third llama’s head and neck was actually the second llama’s arm, and that he was ringing a bell. Now, that would be absolutely hilarious.

We Saw it, Too

It’s no secret that our eyes can deceive us, and we’ve all fallen victim to that at one point or another. Here, in this picture, it looks as though this ostrich has long black hair — and no, it isn’t photoshopped.

We Saw it, Too

If you look closely, you’ll notice that there’s a woman with long black hair riding on the back of the bird. When the picture was snapped in that particular moment, her face happened to be perfectly hidden behind the bird’s. Even knowing that, though, most people would think that this photographer used some sort of face-swap feature.

LEGO in the Ocean

Animals are funny creatures. Still, we never would have thought to say the same thing for a shark! But, this photo here is so funny, we were laughing for about 10 minutes straight.

LEGO in the Ocean

Of course, that probably has a little something to do with the caption. Whoever came up with it is seriously brilliant, as we can all relate to the feeling of stepping on a LEGO.

Bee Gee

If you haven’t listened to the Bee Gees before, then recommend you do so now. After someone posted this on the internet, people went nuts. While the doctor isn’t literally named Bee Gee, his name plaque says otherwise.

Bee Gee

Anyway, once you listen to a Bee Gees song — preferably “Stayin’ Alive” — you’ll understand the joke that this clever Snapchatter wrote. We love it!

Open in a New Tab

Let’s be real — we’ve all had this moment. Ya know, you’re writing a paper or doing work for hours on end and you need to look something up on Google. Rather than just creating a new tab, though, you end up opening a bunch of new windows and don’t realize until your computer screen is full of nothing but the Google homepage.

Open in a New Tab

That’s essentially what this photo is except, instead of search engine windows, we have foxes. Way cuter, in our opinion.

Donut Dog

Dogs are literally and figuratively the cutest pets you can ever have. Well, it may differ in your case if you’re a cat person but you get the idea. Just look at this happy doggo enjoying life with his donut pillow.

Donut Dog

Clearly, the pillow is pretty comfy considering that he won’t let his owner take it off. It suits him well anyway!


The internet is undoubtedly the best place to find the most hilarious content — like this series of snaps that someone sent to his friends.


Here, one seller advertised his iPhone without even showing his iPhone! Because he had to use the phone to actually take the photo, he decided to show the dimensions and size of the phone using his hand. Hmm, you should probably rethink that, bud.

Set Him Free

How long does it usually take you to find a caption for a photo? In our case, it takes us at least a couple of hours if not years. We’re obviously exaggerating but in all honesty, how do some people come up with the most hilarious captions within seconds?

Set Him Free

No, seriously — we need answers! Why does this truck have a plush hamster in the back? And where is it taking this poor guy? It may not be a real hamster but that face of trauma ain’t no joke. Set the plush model free!

Permanent Pink

Pink is one of the coolest and prettiest colors out there. So, we can understand the temptation people may feel from time to time to paint themselves pink. Take this gal, for example.

Permanent Pink

It’s too bad she didn’t try it out on her hand or arm first. Although the label says that it’s easily washable and the color will come off, it sadly did not — at least not the first time. We wonder how many times she had to wash her face before it fully came off…

Cobra Class

What’s happening here in this class exactly? Why is this person teaching a class of two king cobras? What is the purpose of this class? We just have so many questions and not enough answers!

Cobra Class

And call us crazy but it really looks like these cobras are paying attention to what their so-called professor has to say. That or they’re hissing at him…

Soon Baby

This bee here is either stuck somewhere or really waiting for her mate to come home. In any case, this caption will take all the trophies home tonight. Also, we can’t ignore the hat that this user so cleverly placed on the bee’s head — we can’t stop laughing!

Soon Baby

It helped to personify the bee, as if she’s a wife waiting oh so patiently for her man to return home. We hope they’re reunited soon!

Take the Human Door, Please!

So, tell us we’re not the only ones here who got a Harry Potter vibe seeing the small door here! Don’t laugh at the delivery guy, but rather praise him for being a huge Harry Potter fan.

Take the Human Door, Please!

If he weren’t one, he wouldn’t have raised this question in the first place. The customer might not have gotten the joke but we certainly had a good laugh. Hats off to the funny guy!

Garlic Standards

You know these recipes can be very tricky at times. We get confused, too. But, in all honesty, this doesn’t seem like confusion. Rather, it’s more like this person just really loves garlic and who can blame them? Garlic is great!

Garlic Standards

Anyway, we definitely related (and appreciated) this post. It’s nice to see that people can poke fun even at themselves!

Popcorn Chicken

What can we say? Sometimes food orders can get tricky. Here’s a prime example of that in Spain! Still, we’re not entirely sure why this Snapchat user is confused about the dish that arrived. Popcorn chicken is a pretty weird and specific request to make in a Spanish restaurant.

Popcorn Chicken

We’re honestly impressed by what they came up with — it’s super resourceful, albeit literal. Next time, order an authentic dish; Spain has some great food!

The Rock Is a Rock

Kids are the most innocent creations of all time. They also have the biggest imaginations and say the darndest things. Here’s an example of a kid who found the core similarities between Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and a huge rock.

The Rock Is a Rock

If you zoom into the picture, you will see what makes the two of them so similar. We only hope that someone posted this on Twitter for The Rock to see!

Brilliantly Done, Riley!

As we said, kids can have the best humor out there and we were not even lying. Just have a look at this one! Riley here went too far with his creativity. Don’t you dare call our little friend Riley lazy, as this is his expression of creativity — let him show it to the world!

Brilliantly Done, Riley!

It may simple but we’re sure this kid put in some thought behind it. Maybe he has a pet worm Who knows?

Thanks for the Clarification

Whoever wrote this caption is really something else. Did they write that on purpose or was it a mistake? If it wasn’t a mistake, how low are his expectations of his friends?!

Thanks for the Clarification

Did they think his Snapchat friends wouldn’t have known that Jericho is also a lion? We’re just utterly confused. In any case, we’re sending our best wishes to Jericho!

Separated by Generations, United by Roommate

Hats off to roommates for coming up with the most hilarious prank. If you haven’t ever lived with a roommate like this person, your life must be very boring. Here, one guy asked his roommate to clean the room for him as he was bringing a date home.

Separated by Generations, United by Roommate

The roommate pulled a prank on him by decorating his furniture with a Princess Di shrine!

Love for Milk

We’re still trying to understand what this man was thinking the entire time he was staring at the container of milk — what was on his mind exactly? “You’re my one true love, milky. Thank you for being you.”

Love for Milk

Perhaps he was trying to read the label? Nope, we don’t think so. So, whatever was going on between them, we think it’s safe to say that this caption is on point.

Surprise, Daddy!

Can you imagine getting this mug for your man without checking the inside of it first? You guys would probably have a good laugh about it. Perhaps you did see the inside of it and decided to buy it anyway to play a prank on your significant other to see his reaction.

Surprise, Daddy!

Oh, that’s evil (and also slightly hilarious)! Of course, if the news is real, then this a super cute way to reveal it!

Injured by a Hanger

Even though it sounds like the plot of a horror movie, it looks like the exact opposite in this picture! Maybe because we’re seeing this in the broad daylight or maybe because this is such a typical thing for cats to do. They’re weirdos but we love ’em.

Injured by a Hanger

They’re curious little critters that enjoy finding the strangest places to plop themselves. Looks like this kitty cat is sort of regretting its decision.

Naughty Penguin

If we hadn’t ever seen this photo, we would have continued to think that penguins are the sweetest animals in the world! We all love them, so we’re genuinely surprised to see what Timmy the penguin did to get labeled the ‘Naughty Penguin of the Month.’

Naughty Penguin

And that’s not an award either, although we did have a good laugh when we initially saw the sign.

The Game of Confusion

What do people get out of doing this? Now, we know that we’re not the only ones that go through this. Well, let’s put an end to it. Although we partly understand it, because perhaps you really just like that photo of yourself, it’s time to stop including friends and/or family on your Tinder page.

The Game of Confusion

We’re not looking to date all of you — just the one with the profile. Otherwise, we’re left like this Snapchatter here who couldn’t figure out which guy in the picture had messaged her.

Juggling Jokes

At the end of the day, signs are there to tell members of the public something in a simplified way that everyone will be able to understand. So the fact that this guy still managed to misinterpret the following common sign has us left in stitches.

Juggling Jokes

Normally, one would just be able to guess that this is to indicate that one should throw their trash in a waste disposal of some kind nearby. But no, apparently, this guy’s a failed juggler.

Who’s a Good Boy?

It’s amazing what some dogs are capable of if they are trained accordingly (see what we did there?). Anyway, the following caption just goes to show how the power of storytelling can be condensed into just one sentence. Here, we have the situation: a guy wants his charger but is too lazy to go and get it himself.

Who’s a Good Boy?

To try and solve the problem, he asks his mom, who is upstairs, if she could bring it down for him. Thankfully, the hero of this story is their dependable doggy.

Daddy Issues

They don’t call them dad jokes for nothing. Let’s face it, many fathers out there have a tendency to embarrass their kids in public by coming up with the cheesiest of jokes. And it seems like this behavior has also bled into the world of social media.

Daddy Issues

Amazingly, this dad still managed to make people cringe when he posted a photo of his daughter hanging out with a sea lion as a birthday message. However, it’s the caption that turns this post into gold.

Buzz Carrotyear

Don’t you just love it when our foods end up being oddly shaped like the most random of things? This happens more than you might think. Vegetables are prime suspects in this field.

Buzz Carrotyear

The likes of broccoli, potatoes and onions all have a tendency, from time to time, to try and imitate all sorts of things and people. The latest culprit is this bizarre-looking carrot. Rightfully so, someone pointed out that it looks a lot like an astronaut!

Perspective Is Everything

It’s amazing how our eyes can play tricks on us, every once in a while. Take this photo, for example. If you look long enough, you will understand that this squirrel is simply sitting on the window ledge, minding his own business.

Perspective Is Everything

But upon first glance, you would be forgiven if you mistook the little creature from actually being a colossus due to the way that it is positioned in front of the car outside.

Not Exactly What I Ordered

You would like to think that whatever you end up receiving in the post is exactly what you ordered online. However, it often can be the case that what you decided that you wanted isn’t exactly what was advertised.

Not Exactly What I Ordered

This happens way too often and the following example is clear proof of this. How would you feel if you ended up ordering this adorable pillowcase shaped like a dinosaur for your son, only to receive this?

Baby Sandwiches

So many of us depend on having a sandwich for lunch and the only way to keep them fresh is to either put them away in a plastic bag or wrap them in aluminum foil. But what happens when you don’t have either and all you have lying around is some dime bags?

Baby Sandwiches

That’s right folks, you cut up your sandwich into little pieces that will fit into each bag. That way, you have a bunch of tiny sandwiches that you can munch on throughout the day!

Haha, Classic

To be honest, we don’t find this joke particularly funny. We are laughing more at the fact that the guy who wrote the caption actually found it funny. Yes, jeans are called jeans and these particular pair of jeans are very straight – hence the term “classic straight jean” on this image.

Haha, Classic

This is what inspired the person to write the following caption. We guess it not as funny anymore when you have to explain the joke.

It’s Uncanny!

Let’s face it – you can’t embark on a trip to Japan if you don’t try some sushi there. It’s like not going to Italy and not trying the pizza or going to Oktoberfest and not drinking any beer.

It’s Uncanny!

It’s one of the main reasons you go there! It turns out though that this guy took things to another level, as he managed to find a sushi maker who could make sushi dishes that resembled his customers!

Buzz Buzz, Who’s There?

We can certainly get some surprising guests knocking on our door or simply waiting there for us to answer. Sure, these people aren’t always welcome, but they usually have a reason to visit.

Buzz Buzz, Who’s There?

When this person got a notification from their security camera, they were surprised to find a bumblebee waiting at the front door. As you probably guessed though, this little creature just got lucky. We hope he didn’t actually answer the door!


Airlines don’t allow you to bring along many things on the flight as there’s a limited amount of space. We usually take the essentials, plus valuables, and perhaps a few books. Someone on the plane broke all the stereotypes (and rules) by carrying on a dodecahedron.


Please sir, kindly tell us how is that thing so precious to you? We are very curious here.

Professor Bird!

Bird memes are getting popular these days on the internet. You won’t find one bird meme that’s not funny — we haven’t found any, at least.

Professor Bird!

And while this isn’t a meme per se, we couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that this bird happened to land on the page of a book about itself. What are the chances? Or perhaps, birds are just that smart…

Useless PayPal

You can find tons of people on the internet that are mad at PayPal for so many reasons. We don’t want to get into that but please have a look at this image and the caption! This opens tons of dimensions to PayPal trolls and we love it!

Useless PayPal

If tattoos weren’t permanent, we would do the same thing to ourselves as well. Although, we could just do what this guy did, and write it with pen.

Avocado Cake

Supermarkets can be super cheesy and strange sometimes and this is a prime example. They don’t even bother to put any thought into what they write on their signs. Here, someone (likely a new employee) was trying to decide what to write when they were told to make something up.

Avocado Cake

We can’t help but wonder — what if a clueless boyfriend gets avocados from here for his lady?!

Marshmallow Latte

We know this guy told us not to ask about how this happened, but we truly want to know. There are no words to accurately describe what is happening in this picture.

Marshmallow Latte

We really want answers. Also, what were they planning on doing with these marshmallows afterward? We would like to call this destruction a marshmallow latte! It somewhat makes sense to us!